For our ideal location we are hoping to use the townhouse hotel in Wymondham town centre, it a pretty box standard hotel, with no real luxuries, but enough for someone to be comfortable and we want our character to seem like he is seeking no real luxuries and trying to lay low and avoid a lavish lifestyle. Also our character is to be very well dressed and we want him to contrast his environment a lot to make it seem as if he does not belong there which should hopefully make the audience begin to question why he is there in the first place which generates curiosity and a desire to watch the rest of the film. The suite is pictured below;
Failing that we would try to use a hotel room at Park Farm hotel, which is a very upper class and well furnished hotel, so our character would fit in well and we could generate a 'almost too perfect' kind of atmosphere around the scene to have the mood suddenly change to be much more sinister which would put the audience on edge and hopefully focus them on the film and wonder what has generated this shift in atmosphere.